Opening of the biggest international conference on resettlement in Geneva chaired by Germany
press release 25 June 2018
Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) on 25 and 26 June 2018
Today, Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, opened the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) in Geneva. In 2018, Germany has assumed the chair of the world's biggest international conference on resettlement. The Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community takes the chair, while the German Caritas Association assumes the role of civil-society co-chair.
Since 1995, the ATCR has been held in Geneva every year. Approximately 250 government representatives and civil-society experts from resettlement countries will discuss joint approaches and strategies concerning resettlement and humanitarian admission with representatives of the UNHCR and other international organizations.
The responsible Director-General at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community said: "The aim of the German chair is to ensure that this conference provides an impetus to international solidarity for refugees in need of protection. By assuming the chair of the biggest international conference on resettlement, Germany demonstrates that we are aware of our humanitarian responsibility."
Germany takes its humanitarian responsibility seriously and is willing to provide assistance for persons in special need of protection. In addition to various support measures for countries of first admission, this is demonstrated by substantial resettlement pledges for 2018/2019: Germany will admit 10,200 refugees under the EU Resettlement Programme.
Of these 10,200 people, 9,200 will be admitted under a federal programme and 500 under an announced humanitarian admission programme at state level. Additionally, 500 people will be admitted under a pilot project at federal level, introducing a private sponsor programme for humanitarian admission.
Resettlement is the organized and permanent admission of persons in special need of protection from a country of first refuge to another third country. It is a safe and sustainable solution for persons who need to flee their home country for a long time and do not have any other prospect of finding a new home, and it contributes to fair burden sharing between the country of first refuge and other countries. Resettlement provides international protection in line with uniform procedures established by the UNHCR. Since 2012 Germany has regularly admitted refugees within the framework of resettlement.