Naturalisation of children

type: Article

Why should children of foreigners living in Germany become German by birth?

Only children whose parents have an established residence in Germany acquire German nationality by birth in Germany by virtue of the law. The residence of the parents must be both lawful and permanent; temporary residence in Germany (for instance as part of holiday trips, during studies in Germany, or the residence of civil war refugees) do not suffice. The law requires parents to have the right of unlimited residence (Aufenthaltsberechtigung) or to have had an unlimited residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) for at least three years. In many cases, the parents themselves were born and raised in Germany.

Most of these children - just like children born to German parents - will grow up, go to school, and take up a profession in Germany. They should know from the very beginning that they are unconditionally a part of German society. This reform allows them to grow up as Germans among Germans, and it is the best way to promote integration.