Sport funding
Article Sport
Federal funding for sport relies on the self-sufficiency of autonomous sport and supplements its activities.
Federal funding provides optimal facilities for training and competition and ensures that the Federal Republic of Germany is a leader in international sport.
Sport organizations, associations and facilities are in principle required to finance their own activities. According to budget law, they must first exhaust all other funding possibilities before claiming federal funds. The Federal Government only provides supplementary funding, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity.
Successful federal funding depends on partnership and cooperation between sport organizations and public agencies at federal, state and local level. Trusting, coordinated cooperation on planning, conceptual issues and specific funding measures leads to success.
The basis for sport funding is the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community programme to promote high-performance sport and other central sport facilities, projects and measures at national and international level with framework guidelines (high-performance sport programme (LSP) of 28 September 2005, Interdepartmental circular, p. 1270 et seqq.) and supplementary funding guidelines.