IT Planning Council

type: Article , Topic: IT & Internet policy

The federal, state and local government policy management body for information technology and e-government

The IT Planning Council has a clear mandate: enabling binding cooperation among federal, state and local governments on IT and e-government, with the aim of providing user-friendly electronic administrative services and cost-effective, efficient and secure IT operations for public administration.

Under the State Treaty on IT, the tasks of the IT Planning Council include

  • coordinating cooperation between the federal and state governments on issues of information technology;
  • deciding on standards of IT interoperability and security for non-specialized and interdisciplinary applications;
  • managing e-government projects;
  • planning and developing the core network, to be set up and operated by the Federation, in accordance with the Act on Connecting the IT Networks of the Federation and the Länder (IT-NetzG).

National E-Government Strategy

Adopted by the IT Planning Council in 2010 and enhanced in 2015, the National E-Government Strategy is a set of guidelines for the federal, state and local governments on electronic public and administrative services in Germany.


Members of the IT Planning Council include the Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology (State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community) and a representative from each of the 16 German states (usually state secretaries responsible for IT).

In addition, the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information and three representatives of local governments delegated by the national associations of local authorities take part in an advisory capacity.

Representatives from the conferences of specialized ministers and others may be invited to attend when Council decisions affect their area of responsibility. The chair alternates annually between the federal and the state representatives; in 2017, the chair is the State of Brandenburg.

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